Sunday, April 21, 2013

Retro Vinyl with a Modern Twist

There is nothing like livening up something from the past. We had to make a vinyl sticker using, of course vinyl sheets and a machine called a Roland CutStudio. Below you will see the art work I did... I love it! It's going to be placed on a toy box that was built for my husband Eric and his brother Jeff when they were very young and now has been passed down to our son Jack. This toy box was hand made and was covered with hand cut vinyl decals which are mostly worn away. I thought it appropriate to rename it for Jack and I will post pictures after I turn it in to be graded.

It was a fun assignment, well, it was after I figured out what I was going to do and where I was going to put it. The small pieces and lines were a little tricky to pull out of the vinyl but when I used the printer with the newer or less used blade everything came out great.

As Promised...
  As you can see this toy box has seen a lot of fun. Here is the final resting place of the vinyl sticker. Front and center of the toy box, exactly where Jack picked out, ready for another 39 years of fun.

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