Monday, June 10, 2013

Final project and we get to choose whatever we want. I chose how to turn a photo into a pencil sketch. This is a tutorial that I've been wanting to try for some time and here was my chance. The link to the tutorial I used is here...   but there are many out there and they all seem to do the same thing just a bit different. This guy seemed to have his down to a simple format and he was easy to understand and follow. Below I will list the step I took to get my photo drawing.

Photoshop. 1. duplicate your layer.  2. change blend mode to color dodge. 3. Control I to invert the image. 3. Filter, Gaussian Blur and adjust to your liking. 4. Adjustment layer, hue and saturation. change saturation to 0. This should make your photo look like a sketch.

Art Deco

Art Deco. I love Art Deco. Such a classic style. When I got the assignment there were so many ideas running through my head. I really am attracted to the the art they were creating down in the south east, especially Cuba. I chose to do a more colorful poster.
Solid colors, elongated lines and simplified features. There is definitely a handsome elegance about this style of art. It was a fun project and I love how it turned out.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Another Webpage- Slided and Diced

Old school web making. This technique uses a picture of what you want the webpage to look like and  in Photoshop you can slice that page up and insert into Dreamweaver as a background. Seems simple but as always you have to have everything pretty precise and well, only use this if you have special circumstances. The green plumes on each side of my page are going to be buttons that navigate you to the other pages of my site. This will help me achieve those buttons... soon! It's turning out well. I'm liking it.

Card Dance

This is my Card Dance. It's a select group of photo's that are grouped together and put into After Effects. After Effects then slices them up  and you can animate anyway you want. I chose a variety of flowers but I can see how using a variety of your work would be beneficial as an intro to a demo reel...

WordPress Website

Word! I think it turned out pretty good. I did a website for myself using WordPress (a free template) and made all the adjustments I wanted to. The only thing I'm going to change is the portfolio page and that's to only add more. I need to divide my work up into different sections by style. This will be the page I use for a while until I get mine final page built. There's a lot of thought that goes into this.